The UnBound Creative

Change the story, change your life

Valerie McKeehan Episode 24

Have you ever heard the story about fleas in a jar? If you place fleas in a jar, they will jump out. If you add a lid to the jar, the fleas will try to escape at first, but eventually, they will stop trying. Even when the lid is removed, the fleas will still stay in the jar. They were trained to stay there.

How often are we like the fleas? Perhaps you've allowed a comment that was said to you in the past to act as a lid on your life and potential. Have you stopped to question these stories? 

Often the "lids" on your creativity and life aren't lids at all, but simply, stories that you have allowed to stick. Maybe these stories are keeping you stuck. It's time to see your situations differently. 

This episode will help you determine the stories that no longer serve you so that you can live creatively unboxed!

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